Thursday, 21 February 2013

Mind Tricks

In this piece, I try to capture ways we knock ourselves dead in our minds before we even begin. We all share these fears and imagine the worst of situations we are about to be faced with, be it social gatherings, interviews, speeches, relationships, etc. We plan and play out our doom in our heads. What's amazing though, is most times, these fears never materialize and we end up surprising ourselves positively. The saddest part is when we let these conjured up demons keep us from taking that one crucial step forward. Enjoy.

20th Feb '13 3:05am    Img:

I boo myself, I trip and fall
I bite my tongue, I can't stand tall
With game faces on, they all walk out
Then give my speech, an ovation bout.

Promised one to one, now two to one
Table for two now its for one
A shouting match, a bash, a smash
Then step in to see, oh perfect match.

I ramble on, questioners gone
Research, rehearse to then blab on
Ignorant, unenlightened, I know I seem
Then mailbox pings, acceptance in.

I stand and stare, my glass in hand
Unwanted, unaccepted, not in their band
Return an awkward smile, not sent my way
Then 5 years on, pals made still stay.

I slash my veins and kick my head
And lay down nails to prick me dead
Then get down to doing only to find
Alas, the demons were all in my mind.